Through the PensionSync Dashboard, you can select the Tools -> Reports menu to choose to run a number of Reports on the PensionSync data.
The reports can be run across the whole of the users PensionSync client base - or per pension provider.
Successful submissions in a period
The Successful submissions in a period report produces a list of submissions that have been successful in the requested timeframe - based on the date of submission.
The user can select to include or exclude partially successful submissions.
No successful submissions in a period
The No successful submissions in a period report produces a list of schemes that have had no successful in the requested timeframe - based on the date of submission. This will include schemes that have not had any submission at all in period, as well of those schemes where data was submitted but rejected.
The user can select to include or exclude partially successful submissions.
Worker Instructions
The Worker Instructions report produces a list of all worker instruction data (opt out, cease contributions etc) for the last 6 weeks, across all schemes.
Submissions with errors in a period <New>
The Submissions with errors in a period report produces a list of schemes where the last submission in the requested timeframe - based on the date of submission - produced an error. This report is expected to be used over a short timeframe (report on the previous day?) to help identify submissions that may need user action to correct.
The user can select to include or exclude partially successful submissions.
Authorization Required <New>
The Authorization Required report produces a list of all schemes that are not currently authorised to connect to the pension provider.
Nest Zero or Failed Payments <New>
The Nest Zero or Failed Payments report produces a list of instances where the payment trigger to Nest has either failed or has triggered a nil payment. This can be used to help identify where data has been missed being provided successfully to Nest or the payment has failed (e.g. expired Direct Debit with Nest)
A download option is available for you to download the data from any of the reports into Excel.
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