For our users with an automated route from payroll through to PensionSync, you will need to contact your payroll provider to see if/when Royal London is available.
For our Dashboard/Upload users without an automated payroll solution, you can connect a Royal London scheme via the Link Schemes button above the PensionSync Dashboard.
Choose Royal London (CSV Export) from the dropdown option and continue to enter the EmployerId for the scheme.
If the scheme has never been linked to PensionSync before, this is all that is required. If the scheme is currently being administered via another PensionSync account, you will need to contact PensionSync Support - to request the scheme to be transferred to your account.
Once the scheme is linked, you can add the company name to make it easier to identify, by clicking on the Edit icon to the left of the company name (which will initially be blank) for the scheme.
If you are creating the PAPDIS data file to submit to PensionSync for Royal London, the three letter EmployerId code is RYL
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